Watch out for the adverts offering you their magical supplement that will transform your body and add muscle mass to it. There is not a single product out there that can fulfill those promises; the key substance essential for muscle growth is actually food!

Yes! Food is the best supplement for muscle growth, and nothing can replace it. You are what you eat, always remember that no matter how hard you train or not train your diet reflects on your body shape. So there is an excellent reason for us to say that food is the perfect supplement.

Food gives us things no other supplement can provide us. Raw materials that your body needs for growth and stimulation of thousands of processes that are included in decomposition and absorption of nutrients.

Digestion process, for example, requires specific food with the right balance of fiber and nutrients to do the job it exists for in the first place.

The presence of food, acids, and digestive enzymes in the small intestine stimulates the production hormones needed for the absorption of nutrients. Without food, those processes are disrupted, and the total intake of nutrients becomes impossible.

Food that will give you the best results in approving your physical fitness is the following: pure protein, carbs, and certain fats.

fit man eating food the best supplement for muscle growth


Pure protein is supplying us with nutrients we call amino acids, and those nutrients are needed for each metabolic process. Athletes have a bigger need for protein than ordinary people. Without protein, it is impossible to build up the muscle or to have recovery after the workout.


Carbs supply the body with energy and are stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles.


To grow your muscles, you will need certain fats, and those are essential fatty acids that you need to get through your diet. Essential fatty acids regulate a lot of biological functions, including the production of connecting tissue, cellular walls, and hormones.

Food usually recommended to athletes has very high nutritive values. Food rich in nutrients are potatoes, rice, and similar, which are rich in carbs, protein, and minerals.

Fibrous vegetables are rich in minerals and vitamins. Meat is an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. To cut it short, this is the food that should be included in your diet since it is rich in nutrients.

Try to stay away from food that is of low nutritive value such as juice, fast food, sweets, processed food, alcohol, and food with a high percentage of fat. This kind of food quickly transforms into body fat, and in the case of alcohol, can even slow down your metabolism.

If you do not have a healthy diet, no supplement can help you because no supplement can offer you the advantages that real food can.

Your diet will determine the speed of your progress in getting a strong and muscular body. After you set the foundations by implementing a healthy diet, you can consider the supplements that you can take to add to your diet and speed up your progress.

You Want To Get Big?

Eat, eat, and again eat and just then take supplements. This is not recommended only for bodybuilders. This is for all of you that wish to gain a few pounds more of muscle mass.

It is shocking that even after all the studies on the importance of diet for developing muscle, some athletes still expect that some artificial supplements will help them achieve the goal they have envisioned.

Funny how people do not want to admit to themselves that they are just not eating enough but keep searching for a solution in a different totally wrong place.

How much money many people waste on all sorts of supplements and never change their diet, which is sometimes only just enough to satisfy the needs of a body of a 12yr old.

I am not saying that you should never take supplements and that they are bad for you. I just want to tell you that to build muscle and add some mass first; you need to have a healthy balanced diet.

plate of meat surrounded by protein shakes and various fruit and eggs

You Must Eat To Grow

Eat to grow is rule number one if you want to gain muscle mass. This means you need to consume at least 30 grams of protein each three hours.

Try to consume approximately 2,5 to 3 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight but make it your goal to consume 3,5 to 4 grams a day.

To do this, you really need to eat a lot, and it will not be at all easy. But do not get discouraged. To make anything in life happen, you need a plan; the same rule applies to your diet.

We have for you a small menu that will help you gain muscle, and I’m sure that you will think it is impossible to eat that much once you see it. But you know what? You do not have to eat this much straight away!

For a start, make it your mission to do three main courses. Once you get used to those, start adding snacks between breakfast and lunch after a while, that snack will get bigger.

Then you can implement protein shake in your diet right before you get to bed. Do it gradually until you fulfill the needs of your body. As you slowly build tolerance for a more substantial amount of food, you will start gaining mass, and this will hopefully be good enough reason for you not to give up.

The second vital macronutrient that you need to consume to grow are carbs. Carbs are much easier to consume than protein. You will need between 300 and 400 grams of carbs a day.

Your fast metabolism requires a lot of energy, so it means you always have to be in energy surplus to gain mass.

Each kilogram of muscles you gain will burn about 100 calories a day. This is maybe good for those that want to get a nice fit and slim figure, but it’s not at all good for you that want to gain mass.

Have you ever wondered why you stopped progressing after that first beginning surge in muscle gain? The reason is this. If you maintain the same calorie intake, the muscle growth ceases since the new muscles you just gained burn more calories, so you do not have that extra energy supplies that you had before with that amount of calories.

What you need to do is increase calorie intake. Try eating carbs in each meal together with those 30 to 40 grams of protein. Don’t be afraid to consume some fats in some meals as well.

Studies show that fats can behave like a stimulant in a larger production of testosterone which helps the muscles to grow. Remember, with your limited recovery abilities; you can’t waste time in the gym doing countless sets.

You have to literally blow up the muscle in a short period and run from the gym straight to the fridge. The diet we made for you is just a suggestion, an example of what you can eat.

You do not have to stick to it to the letter. Learn about the nutritive properties of food and combine it according to your preference and needs.

You will notice we included in it some protein shakes, just remember those are only supplements to a proper diet you can’t rely on them to help you gain mass, food is essential.

Stick to your diet and if you are not satisfied with the progress, add to it, for example, 200 calories more and see how your body reacts to it. Just do not give up, and the results will come.


– 3 whole eggs (calories 255, protein 21, carbs 1, fat 18)

– 3 egg whites (calories 50, protein 12, carbs 0, fat 0)

– 2 cups of oatmeal (calories 260, protein 10, carbs 44, fat 4)


– 3dl of low-fat fruit yoghurt (calories 213, protein 10, carbs 43, fat 0)

– 1 dose of whey protein (calories 85, protein 20, carbs 1, fat 0)

– 1 banana (calories 120, protein 2, carbs 31, fat 1)


– 240gr of chicken breast (calories 266, protein 53, carbs 0, fat 3)

– 2 cups of spaghetti (calories 442, protein 16, carbs 86, fat 2)

– lettuce (calories 44, protein 3, carbs 8, fat 0)

– a spoon of olive oil (calories 72, protein 0, carbs 0, fat 8)

Snack Before Training

– 1 dose of whey protein (calories 85, protein 20, carbs 1, fat 0)

– 1 large apple (calories 110, protein 0, carbs 30, fat 0)

Snack After The Training

– 2 doses of whey protein (calories 170, protein 40, carbs 2, fat 0)


– 200gr of tuna (calories 220, protein 40, carbs 0, fat 5)

– 100gr of low-fat cheese (calories 60, protein 15, carbs 0, fat 0)

– 2 smaller potatoes (calories 224, protein 4, carbs 52, fat 0)

– 1 cup of strawberries (calories 46, protein 1, carbs 11, fat 0)

Snack Before The Bed

– 3dl of low-fat milk (calories 83, protein 8, carbs 12, fat 0)

– 1 dose of protein