You want to tone up your body quickly without having to do complicated exercises and spend hours in the gym? It is possible to tone up in 4 weeks with a balanced diet and the right set of exercises, and we will tell you exactly what those exercises are.
If you do efficient exercises and balance your diet, it is possible to lose between one and two pounds a week, but you will need to get in basic shape before you start really toning your muscles.
If you start with serious exercises straight away, it is much more likely that you get overwhelmed and quit or even worse injure yourself so start lightly by getting more active in your everyday life.
Use the stairs instead of the elevator any time you can, walk more, stand more instead of sitting while doing your daily activities prepare your body for this 4 week workout program.

How To Tone Up In 4 Weeks?
With this 4 week circular training program you will manage to speed up your metabolism, let your body burn fat faster and get impressive results.
The less complicated the training is, the easier it will be for you to stick to it and get wanted results. Circular training where you skip from one exercise to another fast with little or no rest in between will help increase the heart rate and improve overall aerobic condition of your body.
The weights that you will use can be lighter since the goal of this training is to burn calories, not to build muscle. Most of the exercises in this circular training program are done with dumbbells so you can do it in the comfort of your home if you have some cardio machines at home such as bike, treadmill, stepper or elliptical.
For each training with weights and cardio, you will need about 20 minutes. You will be working larger muscle groups, back, legs, chest, which will significantly change your muscles in the shortest time. Also, if you do large muscle groups that burns more calories than isolation exercises.
Beginners might want to start with the first 20 minute program and do just the first circle and then gradually go to longer training of 60 minutes in total.
You can do all three circles doing 4 exercises per circle, which is 12 weight exercises plus cardio in 60 minutes, stop after second circle (do 2 circles times 4 exercises per circle plus cardio in 40 minutes) or simply do just a quick 20 minute workout ( 1 circle of 4 exercises plus cardio), and you will still be building muscles and burning fat.
Stick to this training program for four weeks, repeating circular program three or four days a week instead of your usual weight training. If you do cardio on the rest days, you will progress even more in burning that extra fat.

First Circle
Weight Training 15-17 Minutes
Do one set of rowing with two dumbbells for the back. Concentrate on the back while you are raising the dumbbells and contracting the latissimus at the top of the movement (12 reps).
Then, without rest, do one set of squats with dumbbells for your legs (try to do the version in which you raise the dumbbells in shoulder height while you are going down to the position where your thighs are parallel to the floor, while raising up again lower the dumbbells to waist height), do 15-20 reps.
Next is a set of incline dumbbell fly for your chest. Focus on stretching in your chest while you are leading your arms out and to the side, do 15 reps. Complete the circle with crunches with knees high up for your abs, do 15 reps.
Use the weights that allow you to move fast enough to increase heart rate and burn fat. Do three full circles.
Cardio Sprint 2-4 Minutes
As soon as you finish circular weight training, you also have to do the cardio segment of the program. Chose the machine that suits you the best: indoor bike, elliptical, or a treadmill.
Indoor Bike
Set the resistance level to 8 or 9 and do the following interval training to raise your heart rate.
10 seconds of maximum sprint
30 seconds rest time
Repeat till 2-4 minutes expire
Set the resistance level between 4 and 5 and do longer sprints than on the indoor bike since ellipticals are less stressful than indoor bikes.
20 seconds of maximum sprint
30 seconds rest time
Repeat till 2-4 minutes expire
The plan is to sprint, not to jog on the treadmill so set the difficulty accordingly.. Do not raise the incline since that can be too stressful on the joints, tendons and ligaments of your knees.
10 seconds of maximum sprint
30 seconds rest time
Repeat till 2-4 minutes expire
Second Circle
Weight Training 15-17 Minutes
Implement the same model of circular training but change the exercises. Do one set of lateral pull using the grip that is a bit wider than your shoulder width for your back, do 8-10 reps.
Do one set of squats with dumbbells, but this time without raising the dumbbells and also go deeper than a parallel position of the thighs and floor for your shoulders, do 10-12 reps.
For your chest, do one set of push-ups with your legs raised on a bench, do 8-10 reps. And for the abs do double crunches, do 8-15 reps. Do three full circles.
Cardio Sprint 2-4 Minutes
Repeat the cardio program from first circle.
Third Circle
Weight Training 15-17 Minutes
If you are ready, willing and able to do 20 more minutes of training, do the following circle: alternating dumbbell row for your back (10 reps), leg press or lunges with dumbbells for your legs (10 reps), dumbbell bench press for your chest (10 reps) and incline bench situps for the abs (10 reps).
Cardio Sprint 2-4 Minutes
Repeat the cardio program from first circle.
Keep your training simple, do them at least three times a week and also add to it a healthy diet and results will no doubt come in 4 weeks.