Weight loss is a road paved with multiple decisions we make during the day. We made you a list of 100 weight loss tips split into categories depending on the time of day and place that will help you stay on the right track in reaching your wanted body weight.
1. Occasionally mix the exercises during your workout to avoid stagnation.
2. More muscle mass burns more calories, so you should do 20 minutes of strength and muscle enhancement exercises each week.
3. Chose exercises with kettlebells (average person burns about 400 calories in 20 minutes of exercising with kettlebells).
4. Target belly fat by adding sprint intervals in your workouts.
5. Add five more minutes to your cardio workout.
6. If you practice yoga, choose a program with a faster pace (like Ashtanga or Vinyasa) to burn more calories while stretching at the same time.
7. Keep the dumbbells close in the living room so you can do a few sets of exercises while you are watching the tv.
8. Google one of the many ten-minute workouts online and do it at once.
9. Don’t just stand there while brushing your teeth, do a few squats. Also, while waiting in line at the bank or post office, do a set of tiptoeing. And while you are on the phone with your friends or relatives, perform a few lunges.
10. When you use the bathroom, go to the one upstairs, so you have to use the stairs.

At Home
11. Stick to the 80/20 rule, which means that 80% of the time, you should be careful what you eat (meaning stick to a healthy diet), and 20% of the time, you can indulge yourself and eat what you desire.
If you eat three meals a day, you get four meals a week (your 20%) to eat whatever you want. If you eat five meals a day, you get seven meals a week to eat whatever you want.
12. Take time, once a week, to make a list and go grocery shopping, so you are ready when hunger attacks.
13. Keep an eating diary, and email it to a friend or family member every evening. That will keep you in line.
14. Put a chalkboard in your kitchen and write motivational messages to support your weekly diet regime. The Internet is full of those so it’s easy to google them. Some of those are: “Sweat is tears of fat” or ” Wake up, kick ass, repeat” … I’m sure you’ll find something that works for you.
15. Once a week, take a selfie to see proof of progress (changes in your body).
16. When you feel hunger caused by depression, boredom or stress, find another way, instead of food, to satiate it. You can go for a walk, have a friend over, have a bath, read a book or do yoga. Just don’t eat when you are not really hungry.
17. Make sure you sleep at least seven hours per night.
18. Baggy, wide clothes hides chubby body and allows you to slack. Even when you are at home, relaxed, make sure that you wear tight clothes to motivate yourself further more.
19. Have cut fruits and vegetables in your fridge for snacks and preparation of fast meals.
20. Don’t have sweets and snacks at home. If you don’t have them around, you won’t be tempted to eat them.
21. This meal should contain 300 to 400 calories.
22. Add vegetables rich in fiber, avocado, and berries to your protein shake so you will feel full longer.
23. You already know that you should not skip breakfast. Eating within an hour of waking up is also very important to boost your metabolism.
24. Eat 10-15 grams of protein in your meal to suppress ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. Eat eggs; it is proven they control hunger.
25. Eat some fiber to feel full for a longer period.
26. If you cut down on the carbs, that will also stimulate weight loss. Limit the intake of carbs, especially refined ones (bakery products), and add a bit of fat.
27. Measure a bowl of oatmeal together with all the berries and other fruit you add to it and milk with a measuring bowl, so you know exactly how much you are eating.
28. Prepare a healthy breakfast on time to avoid buying some junk food on your way to work.
29. Make pancakes even healthier by adding mashed baked sweet potatoes, mashed spinach, and blueberries.
Instead of juice, eat a grapefruit. Fiber will make you feel full longer, and it is proven that grapefruit helps with weight loss.
31. Lunch should be between 400 and 600 calories.
32. Buy lunch boxes and take your lunch from home to work.
33. Mark each box with the time and number of calories, so you don’t eat it all at once.
34. Double your dinner recipes so you can use the leftovers for the next day’s lunch.
35. Pack five salads on Sunday night, and you will have healthy meals for the following work week.
36. Add cooked cereal to the salad to make your meal richer in protein and fiber and make it tastier.
37. Do You like cooked meals? Make a bigger bowl of soup and freeze it. Before bed, move it to the fridge and in the morning, take it to work and heat it before you eat it.
38. Sandwich lovers should use spinach or Swiss chard as wrapping and fill the sandwich with vegetables. Avoid adding cheese.
39. Drink water (which has zero calories), mineral water, or green tea with your meals instead of soda, juice, or iced tea.
40. Instead of cream cheese or margarine on your bread, use peanut butter or butter. Healthy fats in these kinds of butter make you feel full longer and affect weight loss.
41. This meal should also contain between 400 and 600 calories. Split your dinner into two uneven portions. Eat the smaller one first and if you are still hungry, eat the rest.
42. Use salad plates for the main course instead of those big ones.
43. At the beginning of the week, prepare a big salad bowl and keep it in the fridge. If salad is already prepared, there are better chances you will decide to have that for dinner instead of something unhealthy.
44. While cooking, chew chewing gum so you won’t eat everything else.
45. Salt makes you bloated, and butter is high in calories, so instead of them, use fresh spices, garlic, and onions to prepare pasta, soup, and meat.
46. Invent a holiday, for example, ” no meat Monday” and on that day, eat only vegetables. Masin course could be beans, and you can find many recipes online.
47. Sprinkle salad dressing rather than pour it on.
48. Cut vegetables into bigger pieces since the longer you chew, you will eat slower, activating the feeling of fulness and the need to end your meal.
49. Freeze mashed vegetables of all kinds, which you can later add to soup or sauce.
50. In the middle of your meal, drink a glass of water and then decide if you are eating because you are still hungry or only because there is still food on your plate.
51. Snacks shouldn’t contain more than 150 calories.
52. Aim to eat at least 5 grams of fiber so you will feel full longer.
53. Eat protein rather than sugar to maintain energy levels and not crash them.
54. Always take your snack with you from home, so you do not have to go to the store.
55. Keep all your snacks in the same place in the fridge or in the cupboard, don’t have them scattered around because if you have to gather them from all over the place, you might eat more than you are supposed to.
56. Make a small pack of snacks for your bag or desk drawer at the office containing 150 calories of some nuts. They make you feel full longer and speed up your metabolism.
57. Choose vegetables full of water for snacks (watermelon, peppers, cherry tomato, or celery) since their water content makes you feel full longer, and they don’t make you feel bloated.
58. Snack after a workout is as important as a snack at any other time during the day, and what you eat can either feel good or completely null all the efforts of a hard workout.
59. When you crave sweets, it’s best to bake a cake with honey and cinnamon. You can find some recipes for it online.
60. Eat an apple. It is full of fiber and acts like a natural appetite regulator.
61. Each day, eat something sweet to satiate your body’s need for sweetness, which is entirely normal and will stop you from eating a family pack of ice cream later.
62. When baking, instead of butter or margarine, use certain alternatives whenever possible (avocado, Greek yogurt, meshed plums, apple sauce).
63. Use fruit as a sweetener instead of white sugar.
64. You can even add vegetables to homemade cookies. You would be surprised how many recipes you can find online.
65. If you are constantly craving sweets and greasy food, that might be the indicator that you need more protein in your diet.
66. Protein powder can be added to all sorts of sweets and cookies to enhance their nutritional value.
67. Drink fruit-flavored protein shakes that are sweet enough to be considered a dessert.
68. When making a cake, make sure half of it is cut into small, ice cube-sized pieces. That way, you will have small portions of it when you feel like eating something sweet, and you won’t be able to overeat.
69. Try finding a healthier alternative for those cookies you crave. The Internet is full of these recipes as well (there are chocolate chip brownies that you don’t need to bake and similar…).
70. Make your own ice cream with less fat than the one you can buy in the store. Mix frozen bananas with peanut butter or fresh cherries with chunks of dark chocolate, banana, and almond milk.
Grocery Swap
71. Instead of spaghetti, use vegetables such as carrots or zucchini.
72. Instead of mayo on your sandwiches, put hummus, mustard, or Ajvar.
73. Instead of potato chips, eat carrot chips which contain 4g of fiber and 80 calories, while potato chips contain 160 calories and 1g of fiber.
74. For some recipes, use tofu instead of creamy dairy spreads.
75. Instead of ordering pizza, make a healthier alternative like sweet potato pizza or pica made of quinoa or coil flower.
76. Almond milk is much healthier than cow milk.
77. Whole grain bread is much healthier than ordinary bread made of refined white flour.
78. When you don’t have homemade jam, use cut strawberries.
79. There are also veggie burgers, not only meat ones.
80. A sandwich doesn’t have to have bread on both ends. The top slice of bread can be removed 90% of the time.
At The Office
81. Share your goals and desires to lose weight with colleagues at work, and they will invite you to the gym with them instead for lunch or a drink.
82. Keep a bottle of water on your desk at all times so you can take a sip from time to time. Hydration can prolong and mask the feeling of hunger and craving for snacks.
83. Use your lunch break for some form of physical activity and eat later during work (if that is possible and your job allows you).
84. Eat in front of people, not in front of the screen. This will help you focus on your meal and stop you from overeating.
85. Brush your teeth after every meal. This will stop you from having additional snacks.
86. Set the alarm on your phone every hour, reminding you to get up and stretch.
87. Wear comfortable shoes to stand or walk at your meetings rather than sit down.
88. Get up and walk to your colleague to chat instead of using online chats.
89. If you can, sit on pilates or a yoga ball instead of your chair. That will help you strengthen your core muscles.
90. During celebrations at work, bring your own healthier sweets, so you don’t stand out.
Eating Out
91. Look at a restaurant’s menu online before going to it. That way, you will have a few options for a healthy meal in your head in advance.
92. Always choose food that is grilled, baked, or boiled rather than fried.
93. Before going to the restaurant, make sure you eat something at home, like a handful of almonds. Never go out starving.
94. Always start your meal with a salad. It will make you half full, so you will eat less of the main course.
95. Ask them to bring you each side dish separately.
96. Instead of fried potatoes, ask for baked ones.
97. Ask for the main course to be served on green vegetables instead of pasta or mashed potatoes.
98. Those of you who like wine should order just one glass instead of two bottles.
99. Eat only half of the main course and have the rest of it packed so you can eat it later.
100. You do not have to skip the desert. It’s okay if you share it with someone.
Now that you read all our tips, I am sure that you see it is not that hard to implement them in your everyday life. Your new healthier body is just a few steps away. It is up to you to take that first step towards it.